About the PLACE TALKS organizers:
Nicole Lavelle is an artist and designer who lives in California. Her research-driven, project-based social practice yields experimental essays, visual narratives, tools for inquiry, and platforms for participation. She has an MFA in Social Practice from the California College of the Arts (#tedpurvesforever), a BA in Graphic Design from Portland State University, and is a former Graduate Fellow and Affiliate Artist at the Headlands Center for the Arts. She is a visual designer for the research team at Dropbox, an occasional contractor for IDEO, and works for the local paper in her coastal North Bay community. She has been a friend of and repeat visitor to the library since 2010, and has been their Resident Artist since founding PLACE TALKS in 2015.
Charlie Macquarie Charlie Macquarie is an artist and experimental librarian. His creative practice takes the form of The Library of Approximate Location, an ongoing itinerant project exploring the confounding nature of environmental materiality and its disparate networks in the Western US through the installation of site-specific libraries and information systems. He works as the digital archivist at UC San Francisco. Charlie is a Library Fellow at the Prelinger Library.

.gif courtesy Ben Lotan/This Will Take Time, from World Wide West: Forecast